Fermented dairy products are cultured at room temperature or above. After they reach the desired fermentation, you chill them to slow the fermentation. For fermented dairy recipes, follow the recipe to the letter, taste it, and decide whether to stick with the same storage time based on how well you like the flavor.
Though properly fermented food doesn’t go bad, it does eventually become too sour-tasting to enjoy eating.
Serve fermented dairy products at their optimal flavor, especially when you’re introducing someone to the idea of home-fermented items. For someone who’s new to the taste, the tanginess may be off-putting if the product is overripe.
Ko postrežejo stvari, kot sta jogurt in kefir, mnogi pričakujejo zelo sladek okus. Če želite ponovno usposobiti njihov okus, dodajte naravna sladila, kot so med, javorjev sirup ali organski sladkor. Počasi lahko zmanjšate, ko se razvije njihov okus za nesladkan izdelek.
Kot pri vsaki novi hrani je zmernost ključna. Poskusite jesti (ali piti) svojo novo hrano v majhnih količinah, da ocenite svojo reakcijo nanjo. Čeprav se nikoli ne bi smeli počutiti slabo, lahko fermentirana hrana pri nekaterih ljudeh sprva povzroči plin ali rahlo napihnjenost. Dobro pravilo je, da prvi teden začnete z največ 1/4 skodelice fermentiranih mlečnih izdelkov na dan. Nato povečajte znesek naslednji teden, da se vašemu sistemu omogoči čas za prilagoditev.
If your fermented dairy seems too strong or sour, try reducing the time of fermentation for the next batch. Chilling it, sweetening it, and adding it to other foods are also good ways to help you get used to the natural tang.
As with any fermenting, use nonreactive containers, rather than plastic; glass is the perfect vessel for most of your fermenting. It’s easy to clean, it doesn’t harbor odors, and you can recycle it. Other choices are stainless-steel and enamel-coated containers or lead-free crocks.