Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Kefir od kokosovog mlijeka

Naš recept za kefir s kokosovim mlijekom sadrži malu količinu šećera koji pomaže fermentirati kokosovo mlijeko u kefir, ali je odlična opcija za one koji slijede modificiranu keto dijetu. Koristite ovo kao svoju tekućinu u žitaricama na bazi kokosa od nezaslađenih kokosovih pahuljica, nasjeckanih orašastih plodova i male šake svježih bobica. Bobičasto voće će pružiti malu količinu ugljikohidrata, ali će pomoći uravnotežiti obrok i dati mu zadovoljavajuću teksturu.

Funkcija instant lonca: jogurt

Specijalni alati: termometar s trenutnim očitavanjem, staklene posude za pohranu

Odgovara dijeti: bez glutena, keto, veganska, vegetarijanska

Vrijeme pripreme: 5 minuta

Vrijeme kuhanja: 17 sati

Prinos: 9 porcija


Dvije konzerve nezaslađenog kokosa od 13,5 unci

2 žlice kokosovog jogurta sa živim aktivnim kulturama ili 1 kapsula (ispražnjena) probiotičkog praha

2 žlice javorovog sirupa

2 žličice želatine bez okusa


Dodajte kokosovo vrhnje u Instant lonac, zatvorite poklopac i dvaput pritisnite postavku za jogurt , dok se na ekranu ne pojavi Boil. Učvrstite poklopac.

Kada Instant Pot zapišti, uklonite poklopac i provjerite temperaturu; trebao bi očitati najmanje 180 stupnjeva. Ako nije, postavite ga na Sauté i nastavite grijati dok ne dosegne 180 stupnjeva.

U sudoperu napravite ledenu kupku koja će odgovarati vašem loncu. Stavite posudu u ledenu kupelj. Stalno miješajte dok mlijeko ne dođe na temperaturu od 105 do 110 stupnjeva. Zatim umiješajte kokosov jogurt ili probiotički prah, javorov sirup i želatinu. Nastavite miješati 1 minutu.

Osušite dno lonca. Vratite ga u Instant lonac i pričvrstite poklopac.

Pritisnite postavku Jogurt , postavite vrijeme na 16 sati i pritisnite Start.

Kada je kefir gotov, dodajte kipuću vodu u staklenke za odlaganje. Ostavite da odstoji 5 minuta, a zatim ispustite vodu i ostavite staklenke da se osuše na zraku. Kefir ulijte u staklenke, zatvorite poklopcima i čuvajte u hladnjaku do 10 dana ili u zamrzivaču do 1 mjesec.

Što dulje fermentirate kefir, veća je vjerojatnost da će dobiti tanku konzistenciju poput jogurta.

Izbjegavajte korištenje meda kao zaslađivača. Bakterije u medu će se natjecati s probioticima.

Umiješajte svježe bobice nakon što je kefir gotov i čuvajte do 3 dana. Ako vam je draži gušći proizvod, pokušajte umutiti 1 žličicu brašna od tapioke prije nego što stavite u hladnjak.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Poširana jaja

Ako ste ljubitelj jaja, i dalje ćete moći uživati ​​u njima na keto dijeti! Jaja su izbor bogat hranjivim tvarima koji se savršeno sljubljuje s nekim povrćem s nižim sadržajem ugljikohidrata, poput nasjeckane brokule, špinata i gljiva! Također možete dodati malo cheddar sira i nasjeckano meso za obrok s više proteina. Naš recept za poširana jaja odlično je mjesto za početak.

Funkcija Instant Pot: Steam (High), Quick Release

Specijalni alati: Silikonske čašice za muffine

Odgovara dijeti: bezglutenska, keto, mediteranska, vegetarijanska

Vrijeme pripreme: nema

Vrijeme kuhanja: 4 minute

Prinos: 4 porcije


4 velika jaja

1 šalica vode


Poprskajte 4 silikonske čašice za muffine sprejom za kuhanje i razbijte 1 jaje u svaki držač za čaše za muffine.

Stavite čašice za muffine na podlogu. Ulijte vodu u lonac i lagano spustite podmetač u lonac. Pričvrstite poklopac i postavite na Steam (High). Postavite vrijeme na 4 minute.

Kada je kuhanje gotovo, pritisnite Odustani i Quick Release za odzračivanje.

Žlicom pažljivo izvadite jaja iz košuljice.

Za čvršći žumanjak povećajte vrijeme kuhanja na 5 minuta. Za mekše poširano jaje smanjite vrijeme kuhanja na 3 minute.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Juha od goveđe kosti

Izbjegnite plaćanje visoke cijene za slavljenu juhu od kostiju na vašoj lokalnoj tržnici, i napravite svoju u svom Instant potu. Naš recept za juhu od goveđe kosti izvrstan je način da juhama s niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata, koje su obično istaknute na keto dijeti, unesete bogat okus. Osim toga, juha od kostiju izvrstan je izvor mnogih vitamina i minerala zbog kosti koja se koristi za aromatiziranje juhe.

Funkcija Instant Pot: kuhanje pod pritiskom (visoko), održavanje topline (uključeno), prirodno oslobađanje

Specijalni alati: Staklene posude za skladištenje

Odgovara dijeti: bezglutenska, keto, mediteranska

Vrijeme pripreme: nema

Vrijeme kuhanja: 2 sata

Prinos: 10 porcija


3 funte goveđih kostiju

3 velike mrkve, nasjeckane

3 stabljike celera, nasjeckane

1 veliki luk, nasjeckan

1/2 žličice sušenog timijana

1/4 šalice peršina

1 lovorov list

1/4 žličice papra u zrnu

2-1/2 litre filtrirane vode


Pomiješajte kosti, mrkvu, celer, luk, timijan, peršin, lovorov list i papar u zrnu u Instant loncu; zatim odozgo prelijte filtriranom vodom.

Pričvrstite poklopac i postavite na Kuhanje pod pritiskom (visoko) i Održavanje topline (Uključeno) ili koristite postavku Juha/Juha . Postavite vrijeme na 120 minuta pomoću tipke +/– i pritisnite Start.

Kada se kuhanje završi, napravite prirodno otpuštanje pritiska na 30 minuta.

Pažljivo izvadite lonac iz Instant lonca rukavicama za pećnicu. Procijedite temeljac s cjedilom u čistu zdjelu, a kosti i povrće bacite. Čuvajte u hladnjaku do 5 dana ili u zamrzivaču do 4 mjeseca.

Možete koristiti ljuske luka, stabljike celera i vrhove celera na zalihama.

Za bogat i čvrst goveđi temeljac pecite kosti u pećnici sat vremena na 400 stupnjeva.

Juha od goveđe kosti

Izbjegnite plaćanje visoke cijene za slavljenu juhu od kostiju na vašoj lokalnoj tržnici, i napravite svoju u svom Instant potu. Naš recept za juhu od goveđe kosti izvrstan je način da juhama s niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata, koje su obično istaknute na keto dijeti, unesete bogat okus. Osim toga, juha od kostiju izvrstan je izvor mnogih vitamina i minerala zbog kosti koja se koristi za aromatiziranje juhe.

Funkcija Instant Pot: kuhanje pod pritiskom (visoko), održavanje topline (uključeno), prirodno oslobađanje

Specijalni alati: Staklene posude za skladištenje

Odgovara dijeti: bezglutenska, keto, mediteranska

Vrijeme pripreme: nema

Vrijeme kuhanja: 2 sata

Prinos: 10 porcija


3 funte goveđih kostiju

3 velike mrkve, nasjeckane

3 stabljike celera, nasjeckane

1 veliki luk, nasjeckan

1/2 žličice sušenog timijana

1/4 šalice peršina

1 lovorov list

1/4 žličice papra u zrnu

2-1/2 litre filtrirane vode


Pomiješajte kosti, mrkvu, celer, luk, timijan, peršin, lovorov list i papar u zrnu u Instant loncu; zatim odozgo prelijte filtriranom vodom.

Pričvrstite poklopac i postavite na Kuhanje pod pritiskom (visoko) i Održavanje topline (Uključeno) ili koristite postavku Juha/Juha . Postavite vrijeme na 120 minuta pomoću tipke +/– i pritisnite Start.

Kada se kuhanje završi, napravite prirodno otpuštanje pritiska na 30 minuta.

Pažljivo izvadite lonac iz Instant lonca rukavicama za pećnicu. Procijedite temeljac s cjedilom u čistu zdjelu, a kosti i povrće bacite. Čuvajte u hladnjaku do 5 dana ili u zamrzivaču do 4 mjeseca.

Možete koristiti ljuske luka, stabljike celera i vrhove celera na zalihama.

Za bogat i čvrst goveđi temeljac pecite kosti u pećnici sat vremena na 400 stupnjeva.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Začinjena pulled svinjetina

Naš recept za začinjenu svinjetinu je vrlo bogat, uglavnom od masnije svinjske lopatice koja se koristi u receptu. Recept predlaže da ovo uparite s jednostavnom salatom od kupusa, koja tradicionalno ima visoku masnoću iz majoneze. Ali ako ste na keto dijeti, preporučamo da ovaj recept uparite s povrćem s niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata kako biste svojoj prehrani dodali više vlakana i spriječili neke od nesretnih nuspojava prehrane s visokim udjelom masti, poput zatvora.

Funkcija instant lonca: kuhanje pod pritiskom (normalno), održavanje topline (isključeno), prirodno otpuštanje

Specijalni alati: termometar za meso

Odgovara dijetama: bez glutena, keto

Vrijeme pripreme: 5 minuta

Vrijeme kuhanja: 1-1/2 sata

Prinos: 12 porcija


2 žlice pocrnjenog začina

2 žličice češnjaka u prahu

1 žličica luka u prahu

1 žličica paprike

1/2 žličice mljevenog crnog papra

1/4 žličice soli

4 funte svinjske lopatice s kostima

2 šalice pileće juhe

1 lovorov list


U velikoj posudi pomiješajte pocrnjele začine, češnjak u prahu, luk u prahu, crni papar i sol. Dodajte svinjsku lopaticu i utrljajte začine u svinjsku lopaticu, pokrivajući cijelu površinu.

Place the seasoned pork shoulder into the inner pot of the Instant Pot. Top with the remaining spices from the bowl. Pour the chicken broth over the top, add in the bay leaf, and secure the lid.

Set the valve to Sealing and select Pressure Cook (Normal) and Keep Warm (Off), using the +/– button to set the time to 90 minutes.

The final internal temperature of the pork should reach 145 degrees. When cooking completes, do a Natural Release of the pressure for 25 minutes.

Switch the valve to Venting and allow the remaining pressure (if any) to release. Remove the lid and discard the bone, bay leaf, and any excess visible fat from the inner pot.

Using two large forks, begin to shred the pork directly into the broth and spice mixture. Serve immediately.

For a smaller pork shoulder, adjust the time accordingly with the estimate of 22 minutes per pound.

Serve with cabbage slaw on top of a Hawaiian sweet roll or on its own over a salad for a keto-friendly option.

Switch up your seasonings and add your favorite spice blend! If you’re using barbecue sauce, wait until the final stages of serving to add.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Carne Guisada

Though Carne Guisada is traditionally served with tortillas, to remain keto compliant you can serve it alongside some butterleaf lettuce or spoon it into a halved avocado. Avocados are a nutrient-rich food that helps to provide satiety alongside the better-for-you fats that aren’t found in meats.

Instant Pot function: Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (On), Natural Release, Sauté (High)

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Keto

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 39 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


3 pounds beef stew meat, cubed

2 cups beef stock

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon cumin

4 garlic cloves, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

1 large green bell pepper, chopped

1-1/2 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons cold water


Place the cubed stew meat into the Instant Pot and add the beef stock, tomato paste, oregano, cumin, cloves, onion, bell pepper, and salt. Stir to combine the ingredients, and secure the lid.

Press Pressure Cook (High) on the Instant Pot, adjust the time to 35 minutes using the +/– button, with Keep Warm (On). Do a Natural Release of the pressure for 15 minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, remove the meat to a serving bowl.

In a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and water.

Press Sauté (High) and, while whisking, add in the cornstarch slurry. Bring the sauce to a low simmer about 4 minutes; then ladle over the meat and serve.

If you prefer a smoother gravy, use an immersion blender or regular blender to blend the gravy before serving. Work in small batches with a towel over the top of the blender. Serve with flour tortillas or over rice, mashed potatoes, or cauliflower rice.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Korean Beef Bulgogi Bowl

Our Korean Beef Bulgogi Bowl recipe does call for sugar, but to remain keto compliant, you can substitute the brown sugar with stevia or monk fruit. This delicious recipe can certainly fit into your low-carb meal plan when paired with a simple cauliflower rice. Cauliflower rice is a freezer-friendly staple, so you won’t have to spend hours in the kitchen ricing your own.

Instant Pot function: Sauté (High), Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Quick Release

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 13 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


1/3 cup filtered water

1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce

2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar

2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

2 teaspoons sesame oil

1 teaspoon ground ginger

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1-1/4 pounds lean ground beef

1/2 small onion, chopped

1 teaspoon minced garlic

2 cups chopped bell peppers

2 cups cooked brown rice, divided

2 cups Basic Brown Rice

1 stalk of green onion, chopped, for garnish

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes, for garnish

4 teaspoons Sriracha, for garnish


In a small bowl, whisk together the water, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar, sesame oil, ginger, and cornstarch. Set aside.

Press Sauté (High) on the Instant Pot and add the ground beef. When the beef begins to brown (about 3 minutes), add in the onion, garlic, and bell peppers. Continue to cook for 5 minutes. When finished, press Cancel.

Stir in the sauce and select Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), adjust the timer to 5 minutes using the +/– button, and secure the lid. Ensure the vent is set to Sealing.

When the cooking completes, press Cancel, remove the lid, stir, and portion into 4 bowls, served over 1/2 cup of Brown Jasmine Rice. Garnish as desired with green onion, red pepper flakes, and Sriracha.

To make the recipe keto compliant, substitute a sugar replacement for the brown sugar. Because sugar substitutes are sweeter than sugar, use half the amount. Then serve with cauliflower rice.

Use a tamari sauce in place of soy to make the recipe gluten-free.

Korean Beef Bulgogi Bowl

Our Korean Beef Bulgogi Bowl recipe does call for sugar, but to remain keto compliant, you can substitute the brown sugar with stevia or monk fruit. This delicious recipe can certainly fit into your low-carb meal plan when paired with a simple cauliflower rice. Cauliflower rice is a freezer-friendly staple, so you won’t have to spend hours in the kitchen ricing your own.

Instant Pot function: Sauté (High), Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Quick Release

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 13 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


1/3 cup filtered water

1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce

2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar

2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

2 teaspoons sesame oil

1 teaspoon ground ginger

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1-1/4 pounds lean ground beef

1/2 small onion, chopped

1 teaspoon minced garlic

2 cups chopped bell peppers

2 cups cooked brown rice, divided

2 cups Basic Brown Rice

1 stalk of green onion, chopped, for garnish

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes, for garnish

4 teaspoons Sriracha, for garnish


In a small bowl, whisk together the water, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar, sesame oil, ginger, and cornstarch. Set aside.

Press Sauté (High) on the Instant Pot and add the ground beef. When the beef begins to brown (about 3 minutes), add in the onion, garlic, and bell peppers. Continue to cook for 5 minutes. When finished, press Cancel.

Stir in the sauce and select Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), adjust the timer to 5 minutes using the +/– button, and secure the lid. Ensure the vent is set to Sealing.

When the cooking completes, press Cancel, remove the lid, stir, and portion into 4 bowls, served over 1/2 cup of Brown Jasmine Rice. Garnish as desired with green onion, red pepper flakes, and Sriracha.

To make the recipe keto compliant, substitute a sugar replacement for the brown sugar. Because sugar substitutes are sweeter than sugar, use half the amount. Then serve with cauliflower rice.

Use a tamari sauce in place of soy to make the recipe gluten-free.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Turkey and Mushroom Meatloaf

Nothing is worse than showing up to an event without something to eat! That’s why our prep-ahead Turkey and Mushroom Meatloaf can be a keto follower’s best friend for a weekend away. Going camping? Cook ahead and modify by using an almond flour in place of the breadcrumbs. Reheat to 165 degrees (yes, you can do this over an open flame in the woods), and you’ll have a nourishing meal (not out of a package) in a matter of minutes.

Instant Pot function: Sauté (High), Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Natural Release

Special tools: Three 4-inch loaf pans

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Keto, Mediterranean

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 45 minutes

Yield: 6 servings


1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 small onion, chopped

1 teaspoon minced garlic

3 large white mushrooms, finely diced

1 pound lean ground turkey

1 large egg

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon fresh chopped basil

1/2 cup whole-wheat breadcrumbs

6 tablespoons barbecue sauce

1 cup water


Press Sauté (High) on the Instant Pot, and place the oil in the inner pot. Add the onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Sauté for 10 minutes, until the mushrooms are tender. Press Cancel.

In a large bowl, combine the mushroom mixture with the ground turkey. Add in the egg, Italian seasoning, pepper, salt, basil, and breadcrumbs. Mix until uniformly combined. Liberally spray three 4-inch aluminum loaf pans with cooking spray. Divide the turkey mixture evenly into the loaf pans and top each loaf with 2 tablespoons of barbecue sauce.

Cover the loaf pans with aluminum foil. Rinse the inner pot and dry the outside. Place the insert back into the Instant Pot, and pour the water in. Position the metal trivet on the bottom and place 2 loaf pans on top; place the remaining loaf pan horizontally across the bottom pans. Close the lid and set to Sealing.

Press Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), and use the +/– button to set the timer to 35 minutes. When cooking completes, do a Natural Release of the pressure for 5 minutes, and then use Quick Release to remove the remaining pressure.

Remove the foil from the loaf pans, slice and serve.

These make an excellent freezer-friendly meal to enjoy later. Just reheat until the internal temperature of the meatloaf is 165 degrees.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Garlic Green Beans and Tomatoes

Green beans are non-starchy vegetables (along with artichokes, bok choy, cabbage, celery, mushrooms, and spinach — think of vegetables that grow aboveground.) Though tomatoes are a bit higher in carbohydrates, when eaten in moderation, they can absolutely fit into a keto diet! Pair our Garlic Green Beans and Tomatoes recipe with any meat, and we promise, you’ll be satiated and satisfied!

Instant Pot function: Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (On), Quick Release

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Mediterranean, Vegan, Vegetarian

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 1 minute

Yield: 6 servings


1/2 cup water

1 pound fresh green beans, ends removed

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 lemon, zested and juiced

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/8 teaspoon onion powder

1 small red onion, thinly sliced

1 cup halved cherry tomatoes


Place the water into the inner pot of the Instant Pot. Add the green beans. Cover with the lid, set the valve to Sealing, and press Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off). Adjust the time to 0 minutes using the +/– button.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together the garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, and onion powder.

When the cooking completes, do a Quick Release, and immediately place the green beans in an ice bath for 1 minute. (This helps retain the bright green color and halts the cooking process.)

In a serving bowl, toss the green beans, red onions, and cherry tomatoes together. Drizzle with the dressing, toss, and serve.

Use fresh asparagus instead of green beans for a seasonal twist.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Cheese Fondue with Jalapeños

Our Cheese Fondue with Jalapeños is a party-friendly appetizer that you and your friends on the keto bandwagon can enjoy! Serve this recipe alongside celery sticks, cauliflower, radishes, or even rolled meats. Remember, though: This is a pretty high-sodium dish, so be mindful of your portions and drink lots of water.

Instant Pot function: Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Quick Release

Special tools: Instant Pot–friendly casserole dish

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Keto, Vegetarian

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


One 12-ounce can cheese soup

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

8 ounces shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese

One 8-ounce canned diced jalapeño

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon yellow mustard

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt

1-1/2 cups water

1/4 cup chopped parsley, for garnish

Crusty bread, for serving

Tortilla chips, for serving


In a medium bowl, mix the cheese soup, yogurt, cheddar cheese, jalapeño, garlic powder, yellow mustard, paprika, pepper, and salt. Pour into an Instant Pot–friendly casserole dish and cover tightly with foil.

Press Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), and set the timer for 10 minutes using the +/– button.

Add the water to the base of the metal pot insert and place the metal trivet over the water. Position the pan on top of the trivet and secure the lid. Set the valve to Sealing.

When the cooking completes, press Cancel. Use Quick Release to remove the pressure.

Carefully remove the pan from the Instant Pot and discard the foil. Stir the cheese fondue one more time, and garnish with parsley.

Serve with crusty bread or tortilla chips, or use as a topping for tacos, nachos, or burgers.

If you prefer less-spicy foods, you can omit the jalapeños.


Cheese Fondue with Jalapeños

Our Cheese Fondue with Jalapeños is a party-friendly appetizer that you and your friends on the keto bandwagon can enjoy! Serve this recipe alongside celery sticks, cauliflower, radishes, or even rolled meats. Remember, though: This is a pretty high-sodium dish, so be mindful of your portions and drink lots of water.

Instant Pot function: Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Quick Release

Special tools: Instant Pot–friendly casserole dish

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Keto, Vegetarian

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


One 12-ounce can cheese soup

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

8 ounces shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese

One 8-ounce canned diced jalapeño

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon yellow mustard

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt

1-1/2 cups water

1/4 cup chopped parsley, for garnish

Crusty bread, for serving

Tortilla chips, for serving


In a medium bowl, mix the cheese soup, yogurt, cheddar cheese, jalapeño, garlic powder, yellow mustard, paprika, pepper, and salt. Pour into an Instant Pot–friendly casserole dish and cover tightly with foil.

Press Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), and set the timer for 10 minutes using the +/– button.

Add the water to the base of the metal pot insert and place the metal trivet over the water. Position the pan on top of the trivet and secure the lid. Set the valve to Sealing.

When the cooking completes, press Cancel. Use Quick Release to remove the pressure.

Carefully remove the pan from the Instant Pot and discard the foil. Stir the cheese fondue one more time, and garnish with parsley.

Serve with crusty bread or tortilla chips, or use as a topping for tacos, nachos, or burgers.

If you prefer less-spicy foods, you can omit the jalapeños.

Top 10 instant jela pogodnih za keto

Spiced Walnuts and Cashews

Need to satisfy a sweet tooth but recognize that keto means saying no to your favorite desserts? Then our Spiced Walnuts and Cashews recipe is a great go-to. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a heart-healthy fat that has shown to have many promising effects within the body. When preparing this recipe, you can swap the maple with commonly approved sugar substitutes on the keto diet, like stevia, monk fruit, erythritol, or xylitol.

A word of caution, though: If you’re new to sugar substitutes, be mindful of portions and see how your body responds. Some people report tummy troubles upon eating sugar substitutes.

Instant Pot function: Sauté (High), Pressure Cook (High), Keep Warm (Off), Quick Release

Fits diets: Gluten-Free, Keto, Mediterranean, Vegan, Vegetarian

Prep time: None

Cook time: 26 minutes

Yield: 12 servings


1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 cups walnut halves, raw

1 cup cashews, raw

1/3 cup water

1/2 cup dried cranberries

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

1/2 teaspoon salt


Press Sauté (High) on the Instant Pot. To the metal pot, add the maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, and pepper. Stir and slowly add in the walnuts and cashews, and cook for about 4 minutes.

Press Cancel. Add the water, stir, and close the lid. Set the valve to Sealing, press Pressure Cook (High) and Keep Warm (Off), and set the timer to 8 minutes using the +/– button. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

When the cooking completes, press Cancel and use Quick Release to remove the pressure.

Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray. Add the cranberries, sesame seeds, and salt to the pot, and combine with the nuts.

Spread the nut mixture onto the baking sheet. Place in the oven and bake for 8 minutes, stir, and then bake the remaining 6 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Serve.

Kako bi ovaj recept bio usklađen s ketoom, umjesto čistog javorovog sirupa upotrijebite 2 do 3 kapi monaškog voća ili ekstrakta stevije.

Kupujte sirove orašaste plodove iz spremnika za rasutu količinu i čuvajte ih u zamrzivaču za optimalnu svježinu.

Za orašaste plodove upotrijebite bademe i pekane, a brusnice zamijenite komadićima sušenog manga.

Kako napraviti kolače za dvoje kao student kuhar

Kako napraviti kolače za dvoje kao student kuhar

Nemojte ručati na svom usamljenom – pozovite prijatelja i kuhajte za dvoje. Ostale ćete impresionirati svojim studentskim kuharima i nećete moći pronaći ovo ukusno tijesto u svojim lokalnim pekarima. Ovo je čista domaća čarolija. Podijelite neke tračeve, potražite pomoć s esejem ili isplanirajte večerašnje eskapade. […]

Recepti mediteranske prehrane: Klasici piletine iz južne Italije

Recepti mediteranske prehrane: Klasici piletine iz južne Italije

Piletina je popularno jelo koje se poslužuje na cijelom Mediteranu. Piletina je vrlo popularna u Italiji, uključujući i neka od onih klasičnih, toliko voljenih jela kao što su pileći cacciatore i piletina piccata. Pileći Cacciatore Vrijeme pripreme: 12 minuta Vrijeme kuhanja: 50 minuta Prinos: 6 porcija 1-1/2 funte pilećih prsa bez kostiju, na koži, 1/2 žličice morske soli, plus još […]

Recept za mediteransku dijetu: hrpe patlidžana i rajčice s pestom

Recept za mediteransku dijetu: hrpe patlidžana i rajčice s pestom

Ako se počnete uzbuđivati ​​uz zvuk svježe, zrele rajčice ili patlidžana koji krasi vaš tanjur, u vama se počinje graditi duh Mediterana. Stacks patlidžana i rajčice s pestom Vrijeme pripreme: 30 minuta Vrijeme kuhanja: 8 minuta Prinos: 4 obroka 1-1/2 žličice morske soli 1 patlidžan, narezan na kolutove od 1/2 inča […]

Recepti bez glutena: jednostavni zalogaji za učenje

Recepti bez glutena: jednostavni zalogaji za učenje

Grickanje za studente na bezglutenskoj dijeti nije tako jednostavno kao uzeti hladnu, ostatku pizze ili pivo i perece. Morate planirati svoje grickalice, baš kao što planirate svoje obroke. Kada želite dražesniji zalogaj od, recimo, maslaca od kikirikija izravno iz staklenke ili tvrdo kuhano jaje ili avokado izvađen s […]

Recept za paleo dijetu: kelj od sezama

Recept za paleo dijetu: kelj od sezama

Zeleni lisnati kelj savršena je Paleo dijetalna hrana, puna vlakana i antioksidansa. A jesti Paleo (ili špiljski čovjek) stil ne znači nužno sirovo povrće. Ovdje sezamovo ulje i svježi đumbir dodaju azijski štih kelju na pari; ali možete ga napraviti talijanskim tako da zamijenite maslinovo ulje i protisnuti češnjak. Ako ne […]

Kako naučiti djecu zašto iza paleo dijete

Kako naučiti djecu zašto iza paleo dijete

Vaša djeca će imati koristi od prilagođavanja zdravih izbora koji su dio Paleo načina života. Naučite ih principima Paleo prehrane dok su mladi i iskusit će doživotne dobrobiti. Jedan od ključeva koji nedostaju u strategijama koje roditelji koriste kako bi svoju djecu natjerali da jedu zdravo je uzimanje […]

Isprobajte Paleo odobrene metode kuhanja

Isprobajte Paleo odobrene metode kuhanja

Nema razloga za strah od masti, ali živjeti Paleo i jesti kao vaši preci špiljskog čovjeka znači predanost jedenju pravih vrsta masti u količinama koje podržavaju vaše ciljeve težine i dobro zdravlje. A to znači da su neke tradicionalne metode kuhanja – poput pohanja i prženja – izbačene […]

Deset savjeta za unos više biljne hrane u svoju mediteransku prehranu

Deset savjeta za unos više biljne hrane u svoju mediteransku prehranu

Najveći koncept iza prehrane u mediteranskom stilu je dodavanje više biljne hrane, poput voća, povrća, začinskog bilja, mahunarki, pa čak i cjelovitih žitarica, svakom obroku. Voće i povrće glavne su komponente ovog guranja; želite jesti pet do osam porcija voća i povrća svaki dan. Evo deset savjeta za postizanje […]

Nutritivni profil kvinoje

Nutritivni profil kvinoje

Quinoa je nutritivna super hrana. Posjeduje niz važnih vitamina i minerala i dijeli najbolje karakteristike cjelovitih žitarica, iako zapravo nije cjelovita žitarica. Zbog svih dobrih stvari koje nudi, kvinoja je zaslužila svoje mjesto u zdravoj prehrani. Evo zašto: Ne sadrži gluten. […]

Prednosti življenja Paleo

Prednosti življenja Paleo

Uklanjanjem hrane iz svoje prehrane koja uzrokuje upalu u vašem tijelu — hrane koja nije bila dio svakodnevnih obroka naših predaka lovaca-sakupljača — uživat ćete u obilju zdravstvenih i životnih prednosti. Evo nekih od prednosti življenja Paleo: Gubitak težine i pojačano sagorijevanje masti Povećani imunitet za bolju borbu protiv prehlade Povećano […]