Specialty beers are one of the most fun and popular beer categories in the world. This category is fun for the brewers and popular for the consumers because it really has no clearly defined boundaries or guidelines. It’s kind of an anything-goes and rules-be-damned category.
Pa kako su nastala specijalna piva? Pa, većina craft pivovara pristupa svojoj profesiji s istom strašću kao i umjetnik; vole kreativni aspekt svog posla. Iako su smjernice za stil piva temeljne za njihove kreacije, povremeno se smatraju i ograničavajućim. Craft pivovari često su najbolji kada im se dopusti da se opuste u svojoj pivovari. Kad odbace ograničenja konformizma, pokažu se kao impresivno nadareni zanatlije sposobni proizvesti ništa manje od nektara bogova.
Dio kreativnog nagona pivara neprestano je u potrazi za novim i jedinstvenim sastojcima koje će dodati svojim pivima. Ova potraga se radi uglavnom kako bi se pomaknula omotnica i proširili horizonti, ali se radi i u ime marketinga. Drugim riječima, što je više sastojaka, to bolje.
Here’s just a partial list of oddball ingredients that have recently gone into commercial beers around the world:
Bog myrtle
Cedar tips
Heather tips
Hibiscus flowers
Hot peppers (ancho, jalapeño, ghost)
Juniper berries
Kopi Luwak coffee
The beans used to produce Kopi Luwak coffee are collected from the scat of the feline Asian Palm Civet. The civets first eat whole coffee cherries for their pulp, after which the inner beans ferment inside their stomachs. After defecated, the beans — still whole — are collected, cleaned, and roasted. The result is a remarkably complex, full-bodied coffee. At least three brewers are known to have made a beer with Kopi Luwak coffee as an ingredient.
Rose hips
Seaweed (Kelp)