No longer worrying about the whole family getting the flu because they have the secret at hand
Flu prevention is not much of a thought because most of us often take the disease lightly. But flu is a serious threat.
Flu prevention is not much of a thought because most of us often take the disease lightly. However, according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), influenza is a serious health threat and a cause of death for 650,000 people worldwide each year.
Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by a virus and is highly contagious. It is usually spread from person to person through saliva when talking, coughing or sneezing. In fact, in the majority of cases, the flu only causes annoyance and annoyance to the patient but does not cause many serious complications. However, for children, pregnant women, the elderly or people with immunodeficiency diseases, the flu is really a big worry when the weather changes.
After 2 days since the flu virus entered your body, you will have symptoms such as:
Headache, dizziness
Muscle aches and pains
Cough, sore throat
Runny nose
With proper care, the patient's fever and other symptoms will gradually decrease and disappear within a few days, but coughing and fatigue will last for one to two weeks.
According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), each year, one third of children worldwide are infected with influenza, it is worrying that children are the target group at high risk of death. An ear infection is an example of an average complication of the flu, while pneumonia is a serious complication. In addition, the flu can also cause a number of other dangerous complications such as myocarditis , encephalitis , myositis ...
Without effective prevention, flu will cause a pandemic and kill millions of people around the world. History has recorded many pandemic flu happened with very dire consequences. Specifically, the 1968 influenza pandemic in Hong Kong caused more than 1 million deaths or the pandemic influenza in Madagascar in 2002, with more than 27,000 cases reported within 3 months and 800 deaths.
Vaccination is the primary way to prevent and reduce the effects of the flu. Overall, the flu vaccine is quite safe with a protection rate of up to 90%. In young children, the flu vaccine can help:
36% reduced risk of otitis media
The risk of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is reduced by 33% and the lower respiratory tract inflammation by 22% in children 2-5 years old
A 41% reduction in asthma exacerbations occurred in children with asthma
The protective effect of a vaccine against influenza depends on the age, immune response of each person, the similarity between the viral composition of the vaccine and the viruses currently circulating. Therefore, in order for the vaccination to be effective, there are a few things to keep in mind:
All family members need to be fully vaccinated before the season
Vaccination is only given to children 6 months of age and older and adults
Young children, pregnant women, and the elderly who are at high risk of disease should be vaccinated and carefully prevented.
Improving daily living habits not only helps maintain muscle strength, bones, but also improves the body's immunity, increases skin resistance , helps prevent influenza and related respiratory diseases. weather. There are a few things you can do to build a healthy, scientific lifestyle for the whole family:
Develop a varied, nutritious diet: You should add vitamins and minerals rich fruits and vegetables to the daily menu of the whole family. In addition, every member should eat plenty of nutritious foods and eat on time.
Exercise every day: This habit not only helps reduce stress but also helps increase the body's resistance, thereby helping to prevent influenza and other diseases.
Washing your hands with antibacterial soap before eating, after going to the bathroom, and every time you go out is one of the most important habits to prevent flu during a pandemic. This is also a habit to build and maintain because each hand contact can be the cause of spreading flu to everyone around.
In addition to the above habits, you should pay special attention to keep the body clean, to care for the skin resistance function - a natural mechanism in the immune system with a strong 3-layer barrier structure that protects us from harmful agents from the environment, especially pathogenic bacteria ..
Bệnh cúm có thể lây lan một cách dễ dàng khi bạn và gia đình thường xuyên đến nơi công cộng. Một người bị bệnh nếu hắt hơi hay lau chùi mũi sau đó nắm vào cửa, bật công tắc… đều có thể khiến các virus dính vào các bề mặt tiếp xúc này và truyền bệnh cho rất nhiều người khác. Lúc này, dù da được trang bị “áo giáp” đề kháng da để chống lại sự xâm nhập của virus, vi khuẩn gây bệnh nhưng nếu bạn không bảo vệ đúng cách, lớp đề kháng da này có thể bị “lung lay”, tạo điều kiện cho virus, vi khuẩn gây bệnh “vượt qua” và gây hại cho cơ thể. Để tránh tình trạng này, bạn nên chú ý tăng cường đề kháng da của cả gia đình bằng cách xây dựng thói quen vệ sinh cơ thể thường xuyên bằng một sản phẩm phù hợp có công thức ion bạc + mang lại khả năng diệt khuẩn an toàn và hiệu quả, đồng thời có thể kết hợp với đề kháng da để bảo vệ sức khỏe một cách tốt nhất.
Lifebuoy shower gel with silver + ion formula (including silver ions, Thymol and Terpineol) supports the skin resistance function, helps protect the body from bacteria and has been shown to not break the skin resistance structure for long term use.
Clean body every day with Lifebuoy is the optimal way to protect the skin's resistance, thereby protecting the health of ourselves and the whole family.
aFamilyToday veselība — zēni var piedzimt ar dzimumorgānu defektiem. Vecākiem ir jāņem vērā priekšrocības, apgraizot bērnus!
aFamilyToday Health — maziem bērniem bieži sastopams stāvoklis ir īslaicīgs elpas trūkums. Tātad, kāds ir iemesls un kā atrisināt šo situāciju?
aFamilyToday Health — kad jūsu mazulis daudz mijiedarbojas ar apkārtējo pasauli. Bērnu redzes spējas attīstīsies pakāpeniski. Vecāki, iemācieties rūpēties par saviem bērniem!
Zīdaiņiem ir nepieciešami daudzi elementi pilnīgai attīstībai. aFamilyToday Health dalās ar vecākiem, kas jāpatur prātā, kad mazulim ir 19 nedēļas, lai jūs varētu par savu mazuli parūpēties vislabākajā veidā!
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūsu mazulis tiek barots ar krūti vai mākslīgo maisījumu, uzziniet par pareizo maisījumu 1–3 mēnešus vecam bērnam, lai iegūtu vislabāko aprūpi.
aFamilyToday Health — kā vecāki var palīdzēt saviem bērniem pārvaldīt savu laiku, lai efektīvāk un efektīvāk izmantotu sociālos medijus?
Kad bērnam ir drudzis, daži vecāki krīt panikā. Patiesībā, apgūstot to, ko drīkst un ko nedrīkst darīt, ja bērnam ir drudzis, jūs labāk parūpēsities par savu bērnu.
aFamilyToday Health — jūsu bērnam bieži ir slikta uzvedība vai attieksme. Neuztraucieties, jūsu mazulim nav vienīgais, kam ir šie simptomi.
No 20 gadu vecuma mūsu āda sāk parādīt novecošanās pazīmes. Tātad, kas jums jādara, lai efektīvi novērstu novecošanos?
aFamilyToday Health — lielākajai daļai bērnu ir grūti runāt ar vecākiem par seksuālu vardarbību līdz pilngadībai.