Fiber is an excellent weight-loss tool — in fact, it’s one of the most important weapons in your weight-loss arsenal. When you chow down on foods that are low-glycemic and high in fiber, you’re getting the best of both worlds.
What the low-glycemic/high-fiber combo can do for you
Choosing foods that are low-glycemic and high in fiber is your secret weapon for weight loss. This power-duo combination adds up to
Lower blood sugar and insulin spikes
Controlled food cravings
A longer-lasting “full” feeling
Fewer calories and more volume consumed
So how to make sure you’re getting enough fiber out of the large variety of low-glycemic fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains you’re eating? Good news! You don’t need to mess with counting fiber grams. Instead, just aim for the following:
Three or more servings of vegetables each day
Two or more servings of fruits each day
Three or more servings of whole grains each day (out of your total grain intake)
One or more servings of legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) each day
Common low-glycemic/high-fiber foods
Meeting your fiber quota while incorporating low-glycemic food choices into your weekly meal plans is easier than you may expect. Following are several popular low-glycemic/high-fiber foods.
Popular Low-Glycemic/High-Fiber Foods
Food |
Glycemic Measurement (Per Serving) |
Fiber Content in Grams (Per Serving) |
Apple (with skin) |
Low |
3.7 |
Apricots |
Low |
2.5 |
Carrots |
Low |
2.2 |
Chickpeas |
Low |
6.0 |
Green peas |
Low |
4.4 |
Kiwi |
Low |
2.6 |
Oatmeal |
Low |
3.7 |
Orange |
Low |
3.0 |
Pearl barley |
Low |
6.0 |
Quinoa |
Low |
5.0 |
Whole-wheat bread |
Low |
2.0 |
Whole-wheat pita bread |
Low |
4.7 |
Incorporate low-glycemic/high-fiber foods into each meal
Incorporating low-glycemic/high-fiber foods into your diet is as simple as focusing on eating a wide variety of plant-based foods. If you can manage that, you’ll be on your way to a healthy fiber intake for the day. Following is a sample menu that uses some of the food choices presented in the preceding table.
Breakfast |
Oatmeal with sliced cinnamon apples
1% milk
1 hard-boiled egg |
Snack |
Almonds |
Lunch |
Turkey, cheese, and lettuce sandwich on whole-wheat bread
Split pea soup |
Snack |
Pita bread
Hummus |
Dinner |
Grilled barbeque chicken
Pearl barley salad
Steamed carrots |
Snack |
Low-fat ice cream |
Hasonló étkezési tervek elkészítéséhez saját maga készítse el a gyümölcs- és zöldségválasztékot egy glikémiás indextáblázattal, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy az Ön által kiválasztott élelmiszerek alacsony glikémiás és magas rosttartalmúak. Ezután gondoljon arra, hogyan adhat hozzá egy adag hüvelyeseket a napjához (talán úgy, hogy egy csésze babot beledob az ebédidős salátába).
Végül, amikor a teljes kiőrlésű gabonát választja, ne feledje ezt az ökölszabályt: minél magasabb a rost (általában), annál jobb.