If you can soften or totally wet your old, but previously untreated stain, there’s still a chance that it can be cleaned away. You can relax because it won’t seem old to the stain solvent.
Liquid glycerine can successfully soften most food-based stains. Apply it neat or, on delicates, mix it with an equal part of water, then leave it an hour to soften. Rinse off, and begin stain treating.
The hardest stains to shift are those that have been set by heat. A stain that has been through the drier is unlikely to come out. Of course, there are exceptions as well as new ways to look at an old problem.
For example, if a hot drier has set a bloodstain, you may want to consider bleaching it away. At this stage, it’s also worth buying a proprietary stain remover especially for your stain type, though this is an expensive way of doing things.
Danas su biodeterdženti toliko dobri da napadaju mrlje poput čokolade, vina, kave, sladoleda i masnoće za koje je prije 20 godina bilo potrebno posebno sredstvo za uklanjanje. Kako biste deterdžentu dali najbolje rezultate, ne zaboravite da ne preopterećujete stroj i odaberite najtopliji program koji je siguran za vaš predmet.
Ako ste se već dobro potrudili ukloniti mrlju, potrebna je upornost da biste joj se stalno vraćali.