Pregnant women eat ice cream: Should or should not?
Everyone loves this cool dish, not just pregnant mother. But the question is whether pregnant women eat ice cream is really good?
In the hot summer, many pregnant mothers tend to choose to watch them as favorite snacks. In fact, in the hot weather, everyone is infatuated with this cool snack, not just pregnant mother. However, many people wonder if pregnant women eat ice cream is really good, will it affect the fetus?
During pregnancy, pregnant mothers not only have to pay attention to health care, but also to travel or choose food and drinks to be very careful. The hot weather, the craving for the mother to vote more than anything else, especially sweet foods like cakes, chocolate and ice cream.
Is the ice cream suitable as a healthy snack for pregnant mothers? Please join aFamilyToday Health to learn through the sharing below.
Ice cream is a cold, sweet dessert, usually made from dairy products with fruit and other flavors added. If processed according to a hygienic process, ice cream is really not a bad choice when pregnant mothers need to find a refreshing snack on summer days. Ice cream is rich in protein and dairy fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals.
Back to focus, if pregnant women can eat ice cream, the answer is "Yes". Pregnant women can eat ice cream like everyone else, as long as you pay attention to issues like hygiene, history of allergies and other medical problems related to colds and diabetes.
In fact, it is recommended that you only eat ice cream in moderation, as ice cream also has a lot of sugar (a cup of ice cream has 100 calories and 16 grams of sugar). Eating too much ice cream can make you gain weight quickly, increasing your risk of having a cesarean section.
In addition, when you eat too much cream at the same time, your blood vessels suddenly constrict, causing a decrease in blood volume. During pregnancy, the resistance of the pregnant mother's body decreases plus the decrease of blood fluid, so it can inadvertently create conditions for bacteria to attack, causing harm to both mother and baby.
Before we talk about the shortcomings, let's talk about the benefits of ice cream. Although this snack is not as nutritionally prized as any other food or specialty product, ice cream provides you with the necessary amount of calcium, vitamins and minerals .
A serving of 100g vanilla ice cream has: the main ingredient is about 6 - 7% protein and 47% fat (of which 70% is saturated fat or unhealthy fat) and nearly 42% carbohydrates.
Recently, ice cream makers have also improved recipes for healthy ice cream dishes. Some good examples are low-fat, sugar-free or yogurt-based ice creams.
Besides, the cream also provides vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin B12 in moderate amounts. 100g of cream provides pregnant mothers with about 20% phosphorus and 17% calcium (according to the recommended daily intake). These two minerals play an important role in the health of bones and joints as well as the proper functioning of the heart.
So you know whether pregnant women can eat ice cream and the benefits that come with it. However, one thing expectant mothers should know is that ice cream is high in fat and can cause hypothermia. Pregnant mothers consume too much cream can interfere with the body's metabolism and disturb digestion .
Today, ice cream dishes are very diverse in terms of flavors, but some flavors such as coffee, chocolate green tea ... containing caffeine will not be good for pregnant mothers. Actually, the amount of caffeine in ice creams is negligible, but you should not consume too much.
The cream contains a high amount of sugar, which can put you at risk of impaired glucose tolerance leading to gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes).
The high caloric content in the cream can cause pregnant mothers to gain excess weight, thereby causing complications during childbirth . Also, after eating ice cream or any other cold dish, pregnant moms often get a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. These are signs that your child is not adapting to those cold foods. This happens the same way you would use hot items.
Eating ice cream can also cause you to get infections, such as listeria - bacteria that survive at extremely low temperatures. The infection also comes from the ice cream maker that is not clean, the milk source is not guaranteed or the ice cream maker lacks sense of hygiene ...
It is important to note that infections acquired during pregnancy can affect the development of the placenta, amniotic fluid and cause congenital intrauterine infection in the newborn. It can also be the cause of premature birth, stillbirth, and miscarriage.
During pregnancy, the mother's immune system is weakened. Consuming too much cream can increase the risk of sinus and respiratory problems.
When we eat too much cold food, the blood vessels will suddenly contract, causing blood circulation to be hindered, this contributes to weakening the immune system to protect pregnant women. Taking advantage of this, bacteria will conveniently penetrate the nose and throat, causing respiratory tract diseases .
Giai đoạn mẹ bầu mang thai, dạ dày cũng hoạt động kém hơn bình thường. Từ đó, mức độ nhạy cảm của mẹ bầu với nhiệt độ của thực phẩm cũng tăng theo.
Mẹ bầu ăn kem sẽ khiến nhiệt độ của dạ dày giảm xuống mức thấp khiến cho dạ dày bị co rút làm cho khả năng tiêu hóa cũng giảm theo. Hậu quả là mẹ bầu gặp phải chứng đầy bụng, khó tiêu.
Mẹ bầu nên chọn các món kem được làm từ sữa tiệt trùng để đảm bảo yếu tố an toàn. Ngoài ra, khi chọn mua kem, mẹ bầu nên mua của những thương hiệu nổi tiếng, từ các cửa hàng có uy tín đảm bảo vệ sinh và sản phẩm còn trong thời hạn sử dụng.
Bà bầu tránh ăn kem bán ở các quầy hàng ngoài đường phố hoặc ở hội chợ. Nguyên nhân là vấn đề vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm ở những nơi này không được đảm bảo. Hãy nhớ rằng một số vi khuẩn vẫn có thể phát triển ngay cả trong môi trường lạnh của tủ đông. Nếu quan tâm đến vóc dáng và sức khỏe của mình, bạn có thể lựa chọn các sản phẩm kem ít béo hoặc dùng sữa chua thay thế.
Bên cạnh những lợi ích và rủi ro khi ăn kem trong thai kỳ, cũng có những quan niệm sai lầm nhất định liên quan đến món ăn vặt này, chẳng hạn kem lạnh có thể ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển trí não của bé.
However, there are no sufficient scientific or research data to validate this information. A cold cannot affect your unborn baby unless your diet and lifestyle are governed by cold weather and unhealthy foods.
For pregnant women, a healthy diet is essential. It is important that pregnant mothers need to comply with dietary precautions such as hygiene factors, food intake and early identification of problems so that they can get timely medical intervention. If pregnant women eat ice cream can help reduce the stress of pregnancy, enjoy this interesting snack but be mindful of the amount consumed!
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