The cuff of a sock refers to an edging at the top of the sock of about 1–3 inches. The leg of the sock refers to the section below the cuff and above the heel. Of course, you don’t have to have a cuff at all. Simply begin your leg pattern right away, but note that some stockinette-based patterns may roll down at the top without an edging.
Jätkake sirgelt, ringselt, manseti ja sääre jaoks valitud pistemustriga.
Soonik on klassikaline valik sokkide mansettidele ja säärtele. Enamik kudujaid valib 1 x 1 või 2 x 2 sooniku.
Koo 1 x 1 soonik, * k1, p1 * ja korda * kuni * ümber soki.
Koo 2 x 2 soonikut * k2, 2 lk * ja korda * kuni * ümber soki.
Võite manseti jaoks üle minna soonikõmbluselt parempidisele pistele või paari tolli pärast
Liibuva soki saamiseks jätkake soonikut otse mööda säärt.
Lisage muster
Jalg on koht, kus paljud sokimustrid sisaldavad erinevat tüüpi pistemustreid, nagu kaablid, pitsid või värvitööd. Seejärel võib mustri tegemine jätkuda soki esiosast kuni varvani.
To incorporate a stitch pattern, figure out how many stitches the pattern requires. A lace pattern that has a 4-stitch repeat will fit nicely over any cast-on number from the chart, but it would be difficult to incorporate a 13-stitch repeat.
Many stitch patterns are presented through the use of charts. A chart is a pictorial representation of the knitted work viewed from the right (public) side. Each box in the chart represents 1 stitch in the knitting.
The chart begins in the bottom right-hand corner.
Read the line in the chart from right to left, repeating the entire box or an outlined portion as necessary, until you get to the end of the line. This is the end of the row.
When knitting in the round, all rounds are read from right to left.
Lamedalt kududes loetakse valepoolseid ridu vasakult paremale – seega vaheldub diagrammi lugemise suund igal real paremalt vasakule ja vasakult paremale.